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Candid Cancer Collective

Collage featuring a black and white photo of a young person's face with the text "Things aren't always as they seem"

Over several months Ellie from Still Ill Ok and Rose from Drawn Poorly supported creative activists Bronte Palmer, Cait Wilde and Kimia Etemadi to create a zine project focused on the experiences of young cancer patients. This is the result.

Cait Wilde is a full-time cancer patient who thinks she’s a bit of a comedian to be honest. She’s also a creative activist dedicated to open conversations around cancer and early menopause and an ex-student of photography, graphics and media studies.

Kimia Etemadi is a writer, teacher and translator from Manchester. She loves learning languages, calligraphy and travelling.

Brontë Palmer is a multidisciplinary visual artist currently living in Brighton. Her work places particular focus on identity and the concept of viewing the world without gender. She likes to create work that challenges peoples perceptions and provokes the viewer to question what they see.

The Candid Cancer Collective is a commission by Sex with Cancer and Contact, created with support from Still Ill Ok and Drawn Poorly.